My initial breakdown and identification of the key lyrics in the song. |
We have begun this process by listening through the song and writing down the timing of each key lyric and instrumental build in the song. Here is this initial break down that we have created.
00.13 - "Sharing secrets with another world"
00.24 - "Trip Switch"
00.29 - "Make a wish and"
00.40 - "Trip Switch"
00.45 - Chorus 1
00.56 - "Down down down"
01.12 - "Gimme data cause I need a hit"
01.23 - "Trip Switch"
01.28 - Chorus 2
01.39 - "Down down down"
01.50 - Bridge instrumental
02.01 - "They put out the lights"
02.12 - Chorus 3
02.23 - "Down down down"
02.34 - Chorus 4
02.44 - "Down down down"
02.55 - "When the lights go down....."
03.01 - Instrumental stops.
Although this is very useful, we are all still in agreement that we would like more visual representation of the song's outline as these time codes are still quite difficult to process.
Therefore we have now created this timeline on the computer:
Overall, I think that creating this timeline has been very crucial to my understanding of the structural outline of the song, however in terms of helping process our ideas I think a further detailed graphical storyboard will be much more useful.
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